Know the Science.
Train the Experience.
We know from extensive neuroscience research... when you are performing your best your brain waves are dominated by a very specific frequency range.
It is called the Zone.
Getting in the Zone or near it will allow you to play closer to your potential more often.
This mental state is what allows you to access the highest level of physical skills that you have trained.
Essentially... Learning to access this optimum brainwave frequency is the most effective way for you to stand over more shots and know that you are going to hit a good shot.
You can use scientific tools to train for this experience.
I have clients who absolutely love putting on an EEG tracking headband when they meditate, do mindfulness exercises and also when they practice at the range.
If answering endless questions about why you're wearing this strange looking headband at the range doesn't appeal to you... you can also train your control of of your brain waves using experiences.
You understanding the feel of the different brainwave frequencies is step one to getting your mind in exactly the right place before you hit every golf shot.
The experiences that help you know you're moving toward the zone are called Triggers.
This week we're going to talk about the different triggers that help you recognize when your mind is in the right state to hit a golf shot.
The first trigger is full immersion or full engagement in the task of hitting the shot.
This means all your awareness and all your focus is on the process of hitting the shot you have committed to.
If your mind wanders to:
The result of the shot
Your last shot
Your next shot
The last hole
The next hole
The people around you
Your score for the round
You will not trigger the correct brainwave frequency.
The full engagement trigger is all about presence.
If you're not fully present in the moment you're not triggering peak performance brain waves.
Anything that pulls you out of the present moment... is reducing your chances of having the feeling of certainty before hitting the shot.
Learning to recognize when you're present and when you're not present is the foundation for a stronger mental game every time you play.
Tomorrow we're going to explore things you can do at home and at the range to increase your recognition of presence.
